6 chickens

  1. C

    Is my coop too small?

    I built a coop that is 4x4. I built a ladder type perch that takes up a bit of room, and two perches higher by the ceiling, I’m afraid there is not enough room for the chickens. Do they need a lot of room to walk around inside the coop? I will have a big run and sometimes free range. I have 6...
  2. Bubblesunrise

    How to build a coop (with ADHD)

    Hello! I am in need of a coop. I only have a budget of about $600 and I need advice!! My situation here is, I have 6 hens (1 silkie, 2 lavender orpingtons, 1 sapphire gem, 1 mottled Houdan, and 1 Easter egger) They are currently in a coop way too small for them and I need a new one! I’ve read...
  3. K

    Building/Buying a coop

    Hi, my boyfriend and I are starting a chicken coop this year and are looking for a coop lot or prebuilt. I grew up raising chickens in a coop but it was already there when we moved to that property and was quite large. We would like a coop that can hold 8-10 chickens. Right now we’ve got 6...
  4. spiritpots

    my first coop - pallet/insulation question

    I live in Minnesota and am working on plans to build my first coop to accommodate 5-6 chickens. My plan is to build a 24 sq.ft. coop, which from what I have read is the advised 4 sq.ft. of coop space per hen. There will also be a 72 sq.ft. attached, covered run for the chickens when they are not...
  5. The Chicken Coop D'État!

    The Chicken Coop D'État!

    How Chickens Conquered This Backyard The method of the chicken infiltration was simple, patient, and very effective. They had a powerful ally in my wife who argued convincingly, "I want chickens." And thus began the year long attrition of this backyard to the commandeering force of backyard...
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