
  1. BDutch

    Loosing a thread - no alerts coming in after a while.

    🙋‍♀️ I and other ‘peeps in Europe’ have an issue in the thread ‘peeps in Europe’. We all get some alerts after posting in the thread if someone else is posting. But after a while the alerts stop. The same thing happens with other threads I would like to follow. I use bookmarks for this. But is...
  2. BigBlueHen53

    A Question (or two) About Alerts

    Hi! First, Admins, you're doing a GREAT job and I love you and obviously love BYC. Two things you could help me with: 1. When I'm going through my Alerts, I notice that some of them, not all, have tiny little yellow "sunshine" looking icons in them. They don't always go away after I click on...
  3. Lazy Farmer

    Solved Alert Challenged

    I scanned back a couple pages to avoid a duplicate inquiry. So forgive me if this has already been reported.:) Am I the only BYCer who is having an issue receiving alerts on followed threads? Hard to completely explain but I have narrowed it down to a few recent examples. If I welcome new...
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