appenzeller spitzhaben

  1. Rose the Legbar

    Spitzhaubens, what are their personalities like?

    Hello! I am wondering about personalities of Appenzeller Spitzhaubens. I’ve seen many articles of them being flightly but a lot of spitz owners have said they are super sweet and cuddly. So, I have no idea which is true or if it was a few one offs. I plan on getting 6 chamois and 6 gold...
  2. oegrooroo

    Possible Appenzeller Spitzhauben?

    I have below me pictured a possible appenzeller spitzhauben pullet but not sure. Coloration and pattern looks likes Spitz, but the leg coloring and lack of “head feathers” leads me to questioning. I got her and 2 other polish in a Hoover Hatchery crested bird “special”. Anybody out there with...
  3. S

    Need Help Sexing/Gendering Appenzeller, Barnevelder, and white crested Polish bantams

    Hi, I need help sexing these Appenzeller Spitzhauben, Barnevelder and white crested Polish chicks! I bought one of each of these and a white bearded silkie that the seller guaranteed is a girl or I can bring it back for a laying female or 2x money back. They are all 6-7 weeks old I have a...
  4. S

    Can I put silkies, polish, appenzeller Spitzhauben and barnevelders together in the same Coop without bullying?? How loud are the apps and the barns?

    Hi. I have a very large coop and run that is 100% shaded and has lots of ventilation and is very high with multiple perches at varying heights. I have 3 feeders and 3 waterers. The whole coop and run are 100% protected from predators and extremely spacious, it's a gigantic Kingdom for...
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