
  1. CampRaincloud

    Setting up Camp

    Hello! Camp Raincloud is a project we've been working on for some time now, and I'm pretty happy with how things are coming along! After spending at least the last 5 years intentionally diversifying our skill set, we've secured land in Virginia to begin building out our projects. Our paths...
  2. Fuhoo

    Using Duck Aquaponics to filter pond water and produce duck feed?

    I'm currently in the planning stage of adding ducks and a small pool/pond for my backyard and have been doing a lot of research into keeping the pond clean from the nasty duck poop😵‍💫. We've owned ducks before and yeah, they muck it up fast. Which is what brought me to researching Aquaponic...
  3. theautumnalfox

    Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate (LECA)

    I'm researching different grow media for my duck pond bio/ wetland filter. My thought was to include a long stream in my pond water system (before entering the barrel filters) that would help filter out the nitrites and nitrates. Basically aquaponics with reeds or other duck friendly plants...
  4. B

    Using Aquaponics (AP) water for chicks and ducks

    Hi! I am about to setup an aquaponic system next to the chicken run to grow food just for them and my ducks. I was originally just going to go hydro but had an idea... has anyone made or seen an aquaponic system used for watering chickens and ducks? My idea would to have pvc pipe along the run...
  5. DuckMama9


    I have five, four, and three week old ducklings and I finally got the duck house built in the section of the yard that I designated for the duckpen, but I need some landscap--I mean DUCKscaping advice! The duck-pen area was a part of the yard that hasn't been used for anything for a while and...
  6. Button Quail 123

    Any Advice On Aquaponics (Flood and Drain) With Tilapia?

    Well, the title pretty much sums it up: Does anyone have any advice? Thanks, and Happy Holidays, Button Quail 123 :)
  7. S

    Help with biofilter/aquaponic duck pond

    Alright so Ive been doing tons of research and just can't seem to find answers to some fairly specific questions I have. I'll try and provide as many details as I can. I'd also like to add that I'm trying to do this for as close to free as I can, and I live in a residential area so I don't have...
  8. Jef's Girl

    Country Girl Wannabe!

    I am so excited to be a part of such a large community of chicken lovers! I've waited to have my own flock for a couple years and we finally took the plunge, my Love built the 'girls' a Chicken Cottage and our little flock is doing very well. We just have to put the roof on. I look...
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