
  1. Poultry Ball Waterer - Green & White

    Poultry Ball Waterer - Green & White

    Owned it for a month now. Works reasonably well at retaining water, I haven't noticed any damage. It's easy to clean but changing water every few days, I've noticed there's no algae growing inside the ball tank. The handle is reasonably stiff for it's size to hang securely but I haven't a need...
  2. T

    Any ideas what this is?

    One of my isa brown rescue hens has been laying shell-less eggs. Usually I'd give her calcium but she is taking antibiotics at the moment as she's been a little flat. This morning I found a shell-less egg with this small meaty ball in it. The ball is about 10mm x 7mm - quite small and firm...
  3. Anisha

    It's cold out

    My little buddy found out how to stay warm. His name may be Snowball but he doesn't like the cold.
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