bare spots feather loss

  1. L

    All hens have severe feather loss!

    My husband and I are new to chickens and we have 12 hens and NO roosters. All of our hens have severe feather loss on their backs/butts and it’s getting worse. Egg production hasn’t dropped off and there are no sign of pests. Any clue what might help them?
  2. M

    Hen feathers not regrowing after rooster cull

    So my rooster was over mating with a few hens in the flock to the point that they perpetually had bareback and 2 of them had major feather loss around their heads and necks. He ended up bullying one of the hens to the point that she wouldn’t leave the coop so I culled him. I have 8 hens...
  3. ChickenTenderKesha

    I need long time chicken keepers help.. pullet losing feathers, huge scabs, pus filled pores, not being picked on/no bugs?

    This has been progressing since she started growing her adult feathers. Always took longer than her hatch mates which made me think she was a rooster as all my roosters took longer to feather out compared to the pullets. It’s all over her body in spots so I can tell some of this couldn’t be...
  4. mertzee

    Self deprecating rooster

    I have a frizzle rooster that was top cock until just after the major arctic front that affected most of the country. Since then his feathers are broken, missing, just spines, etc. I can’t find ANY bugs of any kind on him. No mites, no lice, no nothing. His skin is extremely red and...
  5. fluffybuttfarmstead

    Feather issues

    I have a mixed flock with 14 female chickens and 2 roosters and 2 Guinea hens. Last year I noticed that several of my hands were having issues with feather loss, so I separated my guineas (at the time, I have five, four female, and one male) into a smaller chicken tractor. At the time I had no...
  6. Oleradiogal

    Strange feather loss w no new quills ?

    My hen had some white diarrhea, so I brought her in for a warm cleansing bath and a bit of apple cider vinegar in her water to help that. While giving her the bath I noticed huge areas underneath where there are no longer any feathers and no signs of new quills coming! While air drying her I...
  7. 5

    Missing Feathers Mystery

    Hello! So, November 2020 through January 2021, my chickens were molting. Only one of my hens had a hard molt, another lost feathers around her neck, while the others barely molted. The hen who had a hard molt grew her feathers back 2-3 months ago, while my featherless necked hen didn't. I...
  8. Regrn5

    Sick chick, take a peek at the photos please need guidance TIA

    I have 2 lavender orpingtons 3 weeks, one noted to have scans on back of wings, red irritated eyes, crusty nose and crusty dry skin patches on belly. See photos. No visible mites. Eating and drinking fine. Fast forward 2 days later looks slightly better but behavior punkish, eyes remain red...
  9. S

    What is causing these bare spots on all my young (28 wks old) chickens backs in the same place

    Molting? I am such a newcomer and all this is so new to me. We have 5 chickens, 2 Easter Eggers, 1 Rhode Island Red and 2 Ideal whites. The silver Easter Egger started laying at 18 weeks and now our last - the Rhode Island Red laid her first egg at about 26 weeks. The silver easter egger...
  10. C

    4 week on BR dry back missing feathers

    Pic of brooder l included in case my set up might be part of the problem. I am new to raising chicks. I have 2 barred rock chicks (4 weeks old) that both have dry, scaly, backs. At first I thought it’s because they are getting in their feathers but none of the other chicks have spots like...
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