barely pooping

  1. R

    Elderly chicken (6 to 8 years) can’t walk, eat, and barely drinking or pooping

    i’ve had this chicken for a long time and i’m not sure exactly how long but 6-8 years maybe. she’s been slowing down lately and i think it’s just from old age. she can’t jump into the roost anymore and i had to build a ramp into the coop since she can’t jump in anymore. today i gave her a bath...
  2. Harun

    Hens not eating or drinking

    Sup. I'm still on the same topic of these 2 new and problematic Rhode Island Red hens. These girls will not eat their food! I give them crumbles in a bowl and evem out of my hand and they seem so disinterested. I don't understand what's wrong with them. Their crop is empty almost all day, they...
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