bcm chicks

  1. B

    BCM mix pullets or cockerels

    Hi, i have a pair of Black copper marans but i dont think they are pure. I would just like a few suggestions on trying to identify the sexe of these chicks! They are between 8 and 9 weeks old Thanks! 1st 2nd Both
  2. PeepingK

    BCM egg genetics question

    Around 2 months ago my chickens got infected with mycoplasma and I had to cull the entire flock. Since then I’ve decided I’m finally ready to start over again with a fresh batch of BCMs! I have some experience with the breed but I’m still a little unsure about how the egg colour genetics work...
  3. M

    The age old question: pullet or cockerel?

    Hey guys! So I bought a couple chicks from the store. I have a black copper maran chick and he/she is aggressive. Idk if that’s common for the breed or what. But every time my hand goes in it pecks at me. None of the other chicks do this. I got them on March 7th Let me know if you need...
  4. Qui1980

    Help with Breed ID on my little nuggets please!!☺️

    I bought these cuties and was told one was a jersey giant, and the others maybe EE and BYM. I’m newer to chickens, actually wondering if you could help Id who is what and then potentially let me the the potential breeds of the x’s? One more thing lol… if anyone knows approx age that would be...
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