bielefelder chick

  1. irwinversion

    Bielefelder and Cream Legbar ID help!

    I need help ID-ing which are Bielefelder females and which are Cream Legbar females. I have 2 of each from MyPet Chicken…I need to ID quickly so I can introduce my Biel female to her adoptive mama! The 2 I think are Biel are fuzzier and larger than the 2 I think are CLs…I couldn’t get the other...
  2. Shewstock

    Buff Orpington?

    I bought 12 eggs: 3 Copper Murans, 3 Lavender Orpingtons, 3 Bielefelders and 3 Transylvania Naked Necks (Turken or Churkey). I have a feeling this is a Buff Orpington because 2 LO's are the beautiful gray/2 tone black and gray. 2 Bielefelders were quitters 😒😪 with 1 pullet. It's not a Turken or...
  3. heatherbeast

    5 Week Old's Head Tucked into Belly, Walks Backward

    So, one of my birds appeared this way this morning out of my set of 9. She is still interested in food, but disoriented and walks backward and will not hold her head up. I think it's neurological, but different than wry neck. I have raised 4 sets of chicks before, so I am comfortable that their...
  4. F

    Should my 7 week-old chicks go outside in cold temps?

    Long story short I hatched out some chicks in late December, Bielefelders to be exact, against my better judgement. My access to hatching eggs from this breed is quite limited where I am so I jumped on it despite the inconvenient timing. Now I'm not sure how or if I should be transitioning them...
  5. Chicks.jpg


    Possible mix of Welsummer at 12 o'clock, Bielefelder at 2 o'clock, Welsummer at 5 o'clock, and 55 Flowery Hen at 9 o'clock. Unsure about the 55 but her colors are lighter than the other Bielefelder, both have the spots on the head though.. If anyone has a better idea I'd love to hear it!
  6. GardenIslandChickens

    Hello from the Garden Island!

    Hello all! I've been a constant visitor to this website for years as I planned and waited for a time I could get chicks of my own! Recently made the move to Kaua'i and while there are a ton of wild chickens roaming around, I've been waiting to get some domesticated chickens! I just got 9 little...
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