blue egg gene

  1. Z

    Having fun with egg color genetics!

    Hello everyone! I never knew how deep into genetics you can dive when you start breeding and cross breeding to get fun variances! We have a mix of egg colors coming up in our flock and I’m looking for some help in better understanding the possible outcomes, and corrections on any wrong...
  2. All4Eggz

    Some Questions About Egg Genetics in Chickens - Questions About Genetics (Ask questions!)

    I have a few questions about genetics in chickens. Anyone else with questions about general genetics in chickens- feel free to ask them in this thread and possibly some experts will chime in. @aart @MysteryChicken @JacinLarkwell @Overo Mare @Rhodebar Lover @ColtHandorf @LadiesAndJane...
  3. P

    Greenish Eggs from a Buff Orpington Look-Alike?!?

    I’ve got a girl who just started laying and I figured she was giving me the brown eggs of the new layers, but INTRIGUE! The backstory- this batch was a surprise box from my kid’s kindergarten class. One was black, Lunamera, speculation here put her at a male either black Orpington or a...
  4. ChickenMasta1105

    What are the odds of getting an easter egger?

    Hi! What exactly is an easter egger, and what are the odds of a hen having the blue egg gene, while having the appearance of some other chicken. And also, is there any way to make hens lay natural 'easter egg' color eggs?
  5. zachcpierce

    EE pullet laid first egg

    i am captioning this, "one of these things is not like the other" brown eggs from 2nd year blue orp for comparison so one out of three of the new EE pullets at least is laying a turquoise egg, im happy
  6. Paulcl

    Hello guys

    Hello guys I’m Paul from Santiago of Chile. i’m living in a countryside near to Santiago (1 hour by car) I’m also raising Muscovy ducks. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I’m new into a chicken (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Around 20. (3) What...
  7. T

    Prairie Bluebell Breeding produces what color egg layer?

    I’ve been wanting some prairie bluebells and wanting the ability to produce blue egg layers myself. I asked Hoover hatchery if crossing a prairie bluebell rooster and a prairie bluebell hen would result in offspring that lays blue eggs. They replied that they do not breed true. (This is obvious...
  8. Cierabug

    Wild Pattern Ameraucana????

    Can pure Ameraucana chicks have the wild type pattern? I'm trying to mess around with auto-sexing and blue egg genes and would need a bird that lays blue eggs and has the wild type pattern when it is a chick.and if an Ameraucana chick does have the wild type pattern could it still have...
  9. Sarahndipity723

    Most prolific cold hardy BLUE egg layers pls?

    Hi Poultry people! Can anyone tell me which breed is the most prolific BLUE egg layer pls? Is it Ameraucana's? I live in Maine & it hits -20 here in Winter. Thanks!
  10. Sarahndipity723

    HYBRID Question: which High egg production HYBRIDS lay WHITE eggs pls?

    Hi All. Hey Hybrid experts: I have 2 AMERAUCANA Roosters w/blue egg gene that I wish to cross with White egg laying,HIGH egg production cold hearty HYBRID hens for blue eggs. 1) Are there ANY high egg production Hybrids that lay WHITE eggs pls? 2) IF not:whats the highest white egg...
  11. Lilorp14


    4 Black Amaraucana roosters for sale. Purebred, Paul and Angela Smith Stock. Hatched April 30th, 2018. Not aggressive, but a little timid,. They have no objections to being handled. Located in VA. PM if interested.
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