bowed legs

  1. M

    Niacin Deficiency in Baby Geese

    Hey everyone, I ordered two baby geese, and they arrived today (less than 48 hours delivery) and one of them has bowed legs and curved feet-there was a great post on the duck forum about niacin deficiency that pictured the same foot curving. I called the hatchery before I found that and they had...
  2. C

    Pekin duck legs

    Hello Can I fix bowed legs? I am new to this and accidentally bought chicken feed for my chickens and ducks. It's only the male Pekin duck that is having problems. I have taken him and filled my tub with water. Fed him with duck feed and nutritional yeast. Will this help correct his legs? If...
  3. Mad Mag

    What Kinds of Ducks Are These? - 6 Weeks Old

    At first, I thought I had a male pekin, a female pekin, and male rouen, but ever since my male "pekin" started changing colors, I've been curious as to know what kinds of ducks these are. All three. Any clue? All of these pictures were taken about 45 minutes after a bath/little swim, so some of...
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