breathing issue

  1. S

    Hen open mouth breathing

    Question. So my older hen I've noticed she's been laying down a lot more away from the group on some occasions but often also lays down with them so I know she isn't an outcast at all. I noticed just today as I went to go fill up all their waters that's she's opening her beak to like take in...
  2. LightedPrism

    Weird breathing

    most of the things i have seen don't look the exact same. All but the 1 chicken are my faverolles, the one is a orphington. All came from meyers hatchery and are 5 months old. no wheezing, discharge, or other noises when I look in their beak / throat I don't see anything All the chickens...
  3. H

    Hen with Breathing Problems - I DID IT! Used DE last night

    NEW CHICKEN OWNER - needing help. Have 9 -10 week old chicks and then my sister gave me a full grown hen that is blind (chickens were being mean to her), when there were 3 weeks old. So been together for 7 weeks. Shirley, full grown hen, has done great with the babies, they love her, but...
  4. Lovem all

    Please help my chicken (Mrs. Green)

    over a month ago Mrs. Green (a barred rock adult hen) was having issues. She was having really bad green poop and my sister (who helps me take care of the flock) and I were soaking her butt every night because she was getting to clogged up. She was also making a wheezing 'aww' sound. She was...
  5. Blizzkona

    Throwing head back to breathe?

    My 4 month old silkie chick just started wheezing a little bit today, and she's been breathing with her beak open and throwing her head back. She's also sleepier than normal and has barely eaten anything. She's drinking well though. I don't really want to put her on anything else since she's...
  6. C

    Help!! I think my chickens are coming down with something and I don't know what to do.

    Hi, I know I have been posting a lot as of late but I've just been having so much problems. I linked three pictures of the sick ones and I don't know what they could have. It is not sour crop or impacted crop. I just need help please!
  7. K

    Meat bird, Probably dying. Can I help her? Possible heart issue?

    I came back from setting some eggs in the incubator and when I went to do the evening move/feed noticed one of my meat birds didn’t move to the new grass, wouldn’t stand or go for the feed. I’ve moved her inside her comb is purplish she is panting and has a swollen abdomen right near her vent. I...
  8. T

    Chronic breathing issue sexlink hen 1.6 years old

    Hello all! This is my first post. I have a sexlink hen who has a chronic wheezing issue. It comes and goes. If she is agitated or she moves too quickly(runs, gets mounted) her comb and wattles turn purple and she starts wheezing with her beak open. I used to give her 1/2 ml of la 300 noro...
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