breed behavior

  1. E

    Deerhen Project

    I'm looking for any information on what breeds would be best for my breeding project. Focusing on flighty temperament, natural brown coloring, brown eggs, good foragers, dual purpose. I also wanted to know if it was possible to have a natural brown hen with a white tail? Really into the idea of...
  2. mchickies

    Calling All Legbar Owners!

    Hi Everyone! So, a little backstory first; I already have a flock of exclusively Barred Rocks + one fiesty Roo-Roo. The hens are super sweet & friendly, like being held, and are well-loved and spoiled pets. Only two of them are skittish (don't like being picked up), and even they are total...
  3. L

    What breed is this rooster? And are they aggressive?

  4. DemeChick

    Please help me identify this “young hen” I rescued today.

    This beautiful little “pullet” was crammed in a small cage at my local feed store with several other chickens. I had to rescue her. I’m not sure about her breed or even positive it is a pullet, although they charged me for a hen. Upon arriving home a young hen began having a rival jumping dance...
  5. cluckadoodledoo13

    Different chick breeds?

    Hi, last monday i hatched out a black rock x silkie. We are judging it’s a he from the defined comb and way he struts around aulready. We did have 12 eggs but the broody decided she was bored of them and we were left with 4 that hadn’t been mauled. 2 pipped internally but unfortunately nothing...
  6. B

    Chicken Genetics

    (Post moved to proper thread)
  7. Mamaporter

    Mottled Java?

    Does anyone have any photos or personal experience with the breed? I purchased a mottled Java pullet from TSC a little over a month ago. She was the fattest fluffball ever but she is the most skittish, scared of her own shadow CHICKEN I’ve ever seen! I’d like to know more about them but it...
  8. AbigaelR

    My Hen thinks she’s a Rooster?

    Hey all! I have two hens, and one very docile Americana/Leghorn mix Rooster. He was placed with the adult hens when he was fairly young but he is coming up on a year. He does his dipped wing dance to my Barred Rock Hen and she either ignores him, chases him off, or dips her wing and does a...
  9. Jack Czerwonka

    Best Selling Breed

    I am looking for a good breed to raise and sell any suggestions?
  10. B

    Best Breeds for Beginners

    Hello, I am pondering the idea of buying some pigeons and wanted to know what breeds are out there and what their temperaments are like. I assist in teaching ornithology classes at my university and have brought my chickens in for lectures in the past, I'll tuck them under my arm and they'll...
  11. Toshirauma

    Breed with the best personality

    Hello! I am doing some research ahead of starting a flock for the first time this upcoming spring. I want to raise and train chickens as pets primarily and am wondering what you would recommend for the most fun and trainable chicken breed. Thanks for your help!
  12. slukeplass22

    Breed-Specific Behaviors?

    For those of us with mixed flocks, have any of you noticed that all the chickens of a certain breed will exhibit a certain behavior? Now I still think these cases are coincidental, but it's worth noting. All four of my Sussex hens are not averse to drinking olive oil. I was giving some to Spex...
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