breed creation

  1. K

    Lavender Orpington crosses?

    Hello! I have: 1 Lavender Orpington rooster 2 chocolate Orpington pullets 1 buff Orpington pullet 3 barred rock pullets I’ve been looking for lavender hens/pullets but I’m having zero luck. Has anyone crossed these breeds with Lav Orpington & if so, do you have pictures, pros+cons, etc...
  2. Arenas Chickens

    Need Breeding Advise

    Well hello BYC! It’s been far to long!! how is everyone?! I’m ‘doing’ which is better than not. I have a question regarding my little Blue, some may remember I posted a ‘what breed is she’ post and questions about her broodiness. Well she IS a broody as I posted lol but I’ve had a bit more...
  3. The clone

    Barnevelder roo x slw hen, what will happen?

    I'm new to understanding breeding, I currently have slw hens and a rir/ wellsummer rooster. I have gathered enough research to get an idea of how their chicks might look (pictures welcome if you know). However I am considering adding double laced barnevelders to the flock and I am curious about...
  4. B

    Chicken Genetics

    Hey, so I would like to know a bit more information about chicken genetics. I enjoy genetics, and I basically just want to share what I know with others and hear from others what I don’t know. Some of what I know (Just what I can remember of the top of my head): Egg Color: A chicken egg’s color...
  5. Jajika

    Two cute little rescues but don't know their breed?

    Hi all: Palo Alto Animal Services contacted me about two little rescues they have that needed a home. I'm flattered that they think well enough of me as a "chicken mommy" to ask me to take them. They are very sweet and chirp all day long. I'd like to know their breed or mix if possible.
  6. B

    Chicken Genetics

    (Post moved to proper thread)
  7. ThatGuy13

    Leg Island Reds??

    Ok so my first attempt at breeding has failed. I misunderstood and bred a Leghorn Rooster with Rhode Island Reds trying to make Golden Comets. I know where I went wrong but what do I have hatching. They are a combination of Black, whitish yellow, and brown chicks popping out of their eggs.
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