breed standard

  1. thoeffel1994

    Silver appleyard genetics? Breed standard?

    I have three silver appleyard drakes and I'm trying to pick which ones I'm going to sell or cull. I've noticed that each one has a different amount of brown on its back. One of them is all silver on its back, one is partially brown and partially silver, and one has a complete brown pattern on...
  2. bantamgenetics23

    Color, Quality, and thoughts about my Cochin Bantam Rooster

    Hi all! I am posting a photo of my Cochin Bantam Rooster. I am just getting started with Mille Fleurs, Calicos, and Mottled bantam cochins. Could you all give me some advice on color of this guy? Blue Mille was thrown around from someone I know but I wasn't sure if that was the case. He does...
  3. Diveks

    examples of a breed standard silkie?

    Hello, ive wanted to add silkies to my flock for awhile now. Pure silkies are pretty rare/expensive here and i wanted to breed them so that i can also get them more available here. I want to breed those that are up to standard. The problem is that we have what we call ‘American silkies’ and...
  4. M

    Is this a partridge silkie ?

    Hi everyone, first post here on byc! When we bought this silkie the seller told us she was partridge colored. After looking at other silkies online and studying her coloring she seems to be a non standard color, like a mix between buff and partridge. She looks really light colored to me. I'm...
  5. B

    Wheaten BW or brown red?

    Can anyone help me I am struggling to pinpoint the variety of my Ameraucana. I thought he was Brown red for sure but I .have since been perplexed. Can anyone help me prove or dismiss my guy Sunny. Everything about him meets the standards for just about 3 categories of true SOP accepted colors...
  6. LilMissChick

    Choosing baby chicks

    hi folks! I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this, so if it’s not, could you please direct me to the right place? In one week I’ll be heading out to pick out chicks from a hatchery shipment and from a breeder. I’ll be getting 2 salmon faverolles, 2 mottled ameraucanas, and 2...
  7. Just Rosie

    True Ameraucanas?

    Ok, I've seen this thread a million times, I'm sure you're all sick of seeing it :lol: but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I did a lot of research before purchasing my chicks from a very nice breeder that was quite a drive for me. She was listed on the ABC breeder directory, though I...
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