bright green poop

  1. BreakneckRedneck

    Very green poop! What to do?

    Hi all! I am back regarding Cheeseburger. I noticed today the spot under where she roosts is covered in very green poop. No other regular roosting spot has this, so it is only her. I am concerned as I’m reading other articles saying their hens died after similar symptoms. What should I do...
  2. Kitkat1992

    911 pekin duck bright green pop

    I'm a newbie with ducks. I recently (about a month & half ago) purchased 4 at a farm store. 2 pekin & 2 Cayuga. Not to sure on sex.This illness has came on all of a sudden with 1 of the pekin. One morning(a few days ago) I let them out to the pen in the yard then later on that evening he/she...
  3. Kitkat1992

    Pekin duck 911 bright green poop

    I'm a newbie with ducks. I recently (about a month & half ago) purchased 4 at a farm store. 2 pekin & 2 Cayuga. Not to sure on sex.This illness has came on all of a sudden with 1 of the pekin. One morning(a few days ago) I let them out to the pen in the yard then later on that evening he/she...
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