broody bantam

  1. 4

    Broody hen

    Hi my hen munchkin has been trying to hatch unfertilized eggs for at least a week now and she has not been eating. I tried getting her up by moving her with a stick and she broke it by pecking. Everytime I open the coop door she does the little angry chicken scream and puffs and tries to pick...
  2. Yorkshire_Hobbit

    Broody hens, nothing is working

    Two of my pekin bantams have gone broody, there is no cockerel so nothing is being fertilised. One of them has been broody for over a month, just after one of my hens died. I have tried "chicken jail", locking them out of the coop, making the coop uncomfortable and placing frozen water bottles...
  3. J


    Hi, We have got two bantams who just won’t stop to be broody. They have not laid an egg in over 3 months and they keep sitting in the egg boxes, on the other chickens eggs or just somewhere in the garden. We have tried to ride it out at first. Then we have tried removing them and closing the...
  4. zimileih

    Can I put two broodies together in broody jail?

    I have two broody hens currently. One has been broody for a month. I keep pulling her off the nest multiple times a day but she not giving up. The other has been at it for a little over a week. I think at this point I need to put them in a dog kennel with food and water. Could I put them both in...
  5. lavendermarie

    Tiny broody chicken

    Saturn, my golden laced sebright bantam x light brahma bantam cross has gone broody just last night. As you can imagine, she’s a tiny thing. And I didnt get a chance to look that well as I didn’t want to disturb her, but I think she’s sitting on about six eggs? Possibly a couple bantams, a few...
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