broody breaker

  1. Mummak

    Broody breaker

  2. Outdoor Broody Breaker

    Outdoor Broody Breaker

    I had a hen go inconveniently broody before the new, larger coop with the built-in broody breaker was complete. Since the Little Monitor Coop is only 4x4 I could not put a wire cage inside and had to come up with something that I could put into the run. I managed to come up with a large, wire...
  3. MegsEggsx

    I am writing an article about chickens going broody! Would love some input!

    Heyyyy, As said in the title I am writing an article about chickens going broody, it is mainly about what to do if you don't want them to hatch eggs. I'd love if anyone with any advice, input, or experience to share their ideas! I will quote people. Also, any pictures of broody chickens, broody...
  4. MegsEggsx

    NEED HELP!!! My poor girl is broody and starving herself, lost a lot of weight, trying to stop her from being broody

    Hi all! I have a bantam hen that is broody, she has been broody for about 2 weeks. Her eggs are infertile because we have no rooster. I was planning on just letting her wait it out but after the first week I could see she was loosing weight fast so I decided to put her in the broody cage. She...
  5. DucksKayak

    Trying to break Miss Broody

    Miss Broody with the Attitude-y is in solitary now. It’s been a month now and taking her off the nesting areas didn’t help. Hopefully putting her in the dog crate during the day will get her out of it.
  6. analyticalblonde

    Help Please...My Buff has gone Broody...

    Hi All, I have looked at past posts to try and figure out what to do...I'm a newbie in my first year of raising girls... Anyway, I am having a problem with one of my Buffs...she doesn't get out of the box at all! Not to eat, not to drink, not to dustbathe! She's been this way since last week...
  7. Mimi13

    Tips for a Broody Cage

    I am overrun with broodies right now. Not quite as many as extra cockerels; however, they are in a cage waiting on this weekend. In a pinch, what could I use (or make) as a broody cage? I am out of my quick setup wire dog cages. I know the bottom has to be wire for there to be a coolness...
  8. DiscoverwithDave

    Breaking Broody: My 1 day story, Thank You BYC

    Hello Back Yard Chickens.:welcome All the expert advise on this site helped me to identify a Broody hen and helped me to break her in a day. Thank you:thumbsup My Breaking Broody Story:
  9. lilmillefleur

    Can I put two hens in one broody jail?

    :frow Just wondering if I could do my hens all at once or only one at a time :) thanks!
  10. Contolini6

    Is this broody box sufficient?

    IMG_5354 by Contolini6 posted Jun 2, 2018 at 5:18 PM The infuriating bird herself... Lucy (aka the dinosaur) IMG_5345 by Contolini6 posted Jun 2, 2018 at 5:18 PM Side view. It's made out of wood scraps, some hardware cloth, and is resting on a wooden pallet. IMG_5344 by Contolini6 posted Jun 2...
  11. catandmilkart

    Solo newborn got pecked in both ears-- advice?

    This is my 4th hatch; I feel awful! We had 10+ eggs and 2 hens incubating. They constantly stole each other's eggs, which I think lead to such a dismal hatch-rate. Day 1: We got one bantam Barnevelder chick, who was promptly pecked on both ears. (Mother's Day Weekend, no less!) I brought it...
  12. 43jeeper

    Broody hen, needs to stop...

    Three hens here, all about one year old now. I had a previous flock of 9 hens, never one broody. Now Ive got one that has gone broody, and Ive tried a variety of things to discourage her, but she persists. A fourth member of the flock wouldnt be so bad, and so Im wondering if I give her what...
  13. Bird momma of 5


    We are new to Chickens and EVERYTHING that comes with it. My Polish has been "suffering" for the last 2 weeks. He started with a "March walk" , now it toes are curled, if he stands us he is wobbly, he can barley walk and more so than not, his legs slide from him. My husband took him to the...
  14. Lazy Farmer

    Cat has gone Broody! How do you break Broody?

    This is the 5th time today! My cat Spike. He has gone into hard broody. Are cat temperatures warm enough to hatch chicks? I give up and give in. I'll just check back on Spikey in 21 days!
  15. nminusyplusm

    I put my EE bully in jail for relentlessly going after an ex-broody. Did I do the right thing?

    I have 6 pullets: Favaucana is top (a benevolent ruler, rarely enforces using anything other than a side-eye, which works very well), bully EE is 2nd, 2 more EEs in the middle who sometimes join in the mean girl hazing but are usually peaceful and 2 OE Welsummer x Cream Legbar at the bottom...
  16. lazy gardener

    Tractor breaking broody

    Nellie was seriously broody. It took 4 days to break her by placing her in a bare ground tractor all day, every day. At the end of each day, I'd let her out of the tractor to rejoin the rest of the flock, and block off the nest boxes. She had no choice but to sleep on the roosts. I was...
  17. Kathy Golla

    Broody hen reintroduced--Flock upset!

    Hi there...everyone is so helpful here. I had a broody hen that I put in a broody breaker for 3 days. Im now trying to reintroduce her to her flock of 5 other hens (6 mos old). I have read a lot about using the playpen method for reintroducing injured birds and introducing new birds, but...
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