bully hen

  1. D

    My other leghorn thinks she's a big shot

    So I had one bully leghorn that chased the others then I isolated her and she's been calm although quite lethargic and then the other leghorn who's the youngest started beefing with my amber star who's submissive and then I put that leghorn with the bully leghorn and she was instantly sized up...
  2. australorpluvr

    Bloody Combs and Tattered Feathers

    I have a flock of 8 australorps and 2 of them now have bloody combs. I believe it is due to bullying by several members of the flock. I took the two victims and separated them from the rest for a night and treated their combs per the instruction of an online vet. I noticed today when I put them...
  3. Angel25

    Bully Hen Guarding Coop!

    I have a hen in my flock who always sleeps near the door of the coop. She keeps attacking any other hen who tries to go in at night and now i'm finding hens trying to sleep all over the run! Does anyone have any advice for stopping this behaviour?
  4. TheFugitivePen

    Does separation help with bullying?

    Our top hen, Midge, is a bit of a bully. Initially, it was nothing concerning. She was always one of the first ones to food and seemed to push others out of the way (or just step close to the food and the other pullets would move away), and she was prone to pecking anyone she thought was too...
  5. Cloverr39

    Hen plucking feathers from another hen

    (I think this might not be the right place for this thread, sorry) I have a 1 year 7 month old bantam brahma hen named Zombie. She was the 1st hen in my current flock. She has a history of being picked on. First when she was 2 weeks old the other chicks picked her head until it started...
  6. Chapmangc1

    Problem Reintroducing Skittish Hen

    Hello! I have five hens that are about eight months old. They were all “best friends” until about four weeks ago when one hen injured herself and had to be isolated away from the rest of the flock. Three weeks later, I tried to slowly reintroduce her back into the flock, but one of my chickens...
  7. thecarmiearmy

    HELP!! Hen won't stop pecking smaller hen

    Hello all, For about a week now one of my hens has been bullying the smaller hen (the one at the bottom of the pecking order.) I know they're doing this because it's hot and they're bored. There's not much to do in their run and I need to extend the length and height of the run. I did not...
  8. spiritpots

    Why is one of my chickens molting in July?

    I hope someone can help me with this! I have three new chickens (now 16 weeks old) and have been in the process of integrating them to my existing flock of three chickens (each about 17 months old) for the last several weeks. Today I noticed that one of the existing chickens, a Maran, has...
  9. C

    Help, please! Do I need to separate?

    Hi All ~ Here's my dilemma: I currently have 2 hens and woke today to find that Bette's comb has been ripped away from her head and is partially flopping around. I immediately separated the two, assuming it was an attack on Bette by Lucy. Since I only have the two (I'm a novice chicken owner...
  10. BigBlueHen53

    Three Nights in Jail, Right?

    Three nights for a bully hen, right? Our older flock consists of eight hens and a year-old rooster who has just earned his spurs, so to speak. The younger flock is 14 weeks old and yes, we did integrate them a little early by a couple of weeks but for the most part it's going well. The chicklets...
  11. Joyze172

    Nest box monitor - help

    I have been finding a few eggs not in the nest boxes but in the yard or in homemade nests outside. So I started to think something is wrong. I caught one of my hens being a nest box monitor and bully. Kicking them out of the nest boxes. She goes up into the coop almost hourly to check the boxes...
  12. Tsickum


    Hi all, approx 6 weeks ago we introduced a silkie to our other two chickens, and apart from the expected pecking order squabble everything has been fine since. Only in recent days the Dorking is being a right bully and chasing the silkie constantly! She leaves the Orpington alone, is it a...
  13. H

    What Rooster Breed for Mixed Coop

    Hello: So This summer I introduced a few new chickens to my existing flock, I had 3 leghorns and added another Leghorn, one barred rock, one australorp and one Easter Egger. My existing Leghorns behaved well and did not do much bullying, they where quick to welcome the new chickens in. after a...
  14. VTChicky

    Bully Hen

    So one of my RIR is starting to bully one of my Buffs. Up until now, everyone has been fine, no one is currently injured or sick. Hens are about 6 months old. Yesterday, they seemed fine. Today, Little Red is really going after Honey, seeking her out and chasing and pecking her comb. She...
  15. M

    My molters are being mean to my silkie. Please help.

    Hi, I could really use your help. I have 6 hens. 5 are large breeds and all are moulting (2 RI Reds, 1 Sussex and 1 Americauna, 1 silkie). The silkie is the oldest. Historically they have all gotten along great over the last 2 years. Last april we lost a silkie to cocci. All of a sudden, when...
  16. Denverhomestead

    Integrating a single pullet into flock

    Hi everyone! I've had chickens for about 5 years, currently have two 5year old RIRs. One of them is a bit of a bully. I purchased 3 chicks this summer, but 2 died, sadly, of different causes, we think. (I dropped the 2nd one off for necropsy). So now, i have 1 lone aericauna pullet left...
  17. E

    2 chicken flock and one is a bully

    Hi All, I have been "spying" for almost a year now but now I need some help and would love some advice. I had a flock of 2 Golden Comets when I started in June of 2017. They both got along really nicely. Unfortunately one of them died in March. I didn't want her to be alone so I got a...
  18. kasfluv

    My hen is suddenly mean!!

    I have two hens. One hatched and raised the other. The “baby” is now 13 months old, the “mom” is 3 -3 1/2 years old. All has been great until about 3 weeks ago when the mom started attacking the baby. No blood has been shed - but feathers have gone flying! I now have them separated - but the...
  19. chloemae

    Hens used to be friends....

    Hi Everyone, Thank you in advance for any input or suggestions. I have 2 silkie hen sisters. They have been together since hatched. This winter one went broody and she hatched 3 chicks. Everyone has lived together very peacefully up until now. I note the one hen will seek out the other...
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