call ducklings

  1. mybackyardhobbyfarm

    My Backyard Hobby Farm

    Hi everyone We have a little hobby farm in BC Canada 🇨🇦 if you are interested in polish chickens, call ducks, bantam Cochins, frizzle chickens, gardening and building chicken coops , please follow along on my YouTube channel We’re also on Facebook and...
  2. L

    Week old call ducklings laying down too much today?

    I have 3 call ducklings that are a week old. Today I noticed they are laying down a lot more than normal, away from heat source. I have it set at 85 with a thermometer. Too hot? I'm not sure. They are fed purina duck starter w a protein level of 19%. They have a small bath in their enclosure...
  3. L

    What color are my baby call ducklings?

    Any guesses on what color these guys will be when they are older? Thanks so much in advance!
  4. Harley Chick

    ISO Call Ducklings in Tennessee Area

    Would love to find someone breeding call ducks......
  5. house.of.ducks

    Experience with Al’s Quackery??

    Hi! So I’ve been considering ordering some call ducklings from als quackery in the near future and I was wondering if anyone has had any experience ordering for them and if it was good? I’ve ordered from Metzer several times and all my ducks from them arrived happy and healthy and still are to...
  6. HorseyHen

    Weird crested duckling

    ill post a better pic (this was straight out of the hatcher) but I hatched a grey call who looks to be crested, but the odd thing is that it’s a poof at the BASE of his neck! No wry neck, no fluid, it’s just like a crest but MUCH lower! Has anyone seen this before?
  7. mattieduck

    Call Ducks - Over the 26th day mark

    Hi All, I would really LOVE some help. I now have 9 eggs in the incubator that I checked/candled at day 22 and they were all growing! I can add videos and pictures (if I can work out how) but you can see almost all the egg is dark, they have large air sacs, and in one video you can even see a...
  8. Rileyfinnfarm

    Call Duck incubation

    First time attempting to hatch Call Ducklings (shipped eggs).... We are going on day 10 in brinsea maxi incubator. Does this egg look look a little behind in incubation? Would love any other helpful incubation tips with the Call Ducks too. Thanks
  9. Double The Ducks

    Where can I find white call duck eggs?

    I'm considering hatching a fertilized white call duck egg this spring. I live in Connecticut and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find an egg either online or nearby (CT, NY, MA, RI). If any online stores have a minimum order, it needs to be 2 at the highest because I can acommodate...
  10. oliverj102

    Pipping for days with no crack! Help!

    hi there, In short I've got a mummy duck sat on 7 eggs, 2 days ago she rolled an egg out her nest and it broke, when I looked it was full of a custard like goo and I disposed of it as it stank. She is letting me check her eggs without much complaint and her eggs, at least half have taps...
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