
  1. Papaye

    Questions about quails (and other birds)

    Hello. I would like to have some advice, opinions, or whatever about small birds specifically - mainly about QUAILS... ...In order to try to get rid of my allergies, I plan to buy quails - probably Japanese Quails : I have severe allergies, and I am kind of really desperate to get rid of them...
  2. Nattyice

    Does he need an amputation?

    Hello guys I had an accident last week due to one of my cockatiels being on top of my canaries cage the other day manage to reach to grab one of them and did some damage. I haven’t made an appointment to the vet because I thought at the time when it happen it was some blood and was going to heal...
  3. Trimini

    My first canaries - some basic questions

    Hello. I live in a rural part of Chile, though I am not Chilean. I have a large aviary that I built for my pet peacock two years go. Since then my aviary has expanded, I acquired a few more birds, including a girl pea and some lovely chickens. Last week I was gifted a pair of canaries, both...
  4. NineChickens

    Can a dove or pigeon live with a canary?

    Can a single dove (like a diamond, cape, or ringneck) live with a single male canary? What about a single pigeon living with a aungle male canary? I know canaries are solitary birds but people keep them in aviaries just fine. Would the dove or pigeon be sad it didn't have a friend of the same...
  5. A

    Aviary flooring?

    Ive got a new aviary and found out and cant fit it into my backyard. Therefore i have to put it on my concrete floored carport. Im getting finches, doves, canaries and quails in it. What type of flooring would be best put in there for them?
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