care help

  1. Hen Pecked Wolves

    I think my Rooster just threw up!

    So I was singing, good morning to my rooster, and he was dancing along when all of a sudden he threw up (I think) water! He’s not acting sick at all! Is this normal? Is it OK? Here’s a video where you can see him throwing up 🥺!
  2. N

    My goose died and I don't know what went wrong

    I'm new to this site so I apologize if there are any errors. I have never raised geese and I bought a pair of goslings back in June. I have been keeping them in my garage until they grew their feathers in and now they live in my fenced yard full time. I lock them up at night in a coop for...
  3. E

    Bumblefoot- Pus Spots Developing?

    Hello, one of our 1.5yo hens has developed bumblefoot, likely stemming from a foot injury. We believe we caught the infection early and for the last two and a half weeks we've been treating her by soaking her feet in warm epsom salt baths twice daily and bandaging the feet. We apply antibiotic...
  4. Spellbound4u

    3 day old chick in a leg splint

    So a veterinarian friend of mine dropped off a 3 day old chick with me that she splinted the leg on. She came across it in a feed store and they were going to euthanize it. I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with it. It's eating and drinking and I keep moving it to be near the food and water. It...
  5. K

    Chick head wound

    My 10 week old chick was just attacked by a hawk about 20 minutes ago. I heard it and ran to the rescue. Once I scared the hawk off, she ran for cover with the rest of her sisters. She lost a bit of blood. I currently have her separated and inside the house. How do I care for the wound and how...
  6. B

    Rescue chicken just died of unknown reason

    Hi all, we have just lost one of our ex battery hens after 6 months of freedom. We are unsure of the reasons so any help would be appreciated as we don't want to loose any more! Our hens are roughly 2 years old now and have slowed down laying. One of them went quiet a few days ago, would spend...
  7. B

    Can anyone help me

    I’m new to keeping birds and I don’t know much besides what I googled online. I want to get a Red Golden Pheasant, but I’m not sure on how to go with it. My questions I have are how loud are they, what do they eat exactly, could I have just one bird or could I get two males in one cage, how big...
  8. NubbyRyuu

    Taking Care of Swirls, the Wry Neck Silkie

    Thought I'd post here since everyone has had some experience. I "adopted" my neighbor's chick, who I call Swirls, so her husband won't cull her. She's had Wry Neck for about a week, and although she appears to be thriving, her neck hasn't improved. So I'll be taking care of her till she gets...
  9. metapuns

    I need some advice about a button quail...

    I'm a major animal fanatic and I spend a lot of time browsing classified pet ads to see what pets people are rehoming. Today I found an ad for a supposedly 3 year old male button quail, alone, in an absolutely tiny tank, with a hamster wheel, bedding, and a food + water dish. He supposedly...
  10. Ch8ckenhelp

    Pig help please

    About a month ago I bought 2 male mini pigs from a farmer in my area and I've been frustrated ever since. I'm looking for help because I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep them, but I want to be sure that I've done everything I can do before giving up on them. At first, I kept them inside...
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