
  1. F

    Long-term Chelation therapy

    Muh pet goose just got out of the UTK exotic animal hospital she swallowed a washer 😥 we had endoscope done to try and remove it but they couldn't. She's on long term chelation at home now. Anybody else ever dealt with this? Or any tips on how to halp her we've had her since 3 days old she's a...
  2. Brooke_R

    My duck swallowed my earring.

    Last night, I was leaned down by my ducks and one reached up and grabbed my earring out of my ear. He swallowed it before I could get it from him. I’ve been reading threads from people with this same/similar problem and have been trying to take the advice they were given. I’ve been hand feeding...
  3. E


    I was hoping to get some insight into anybody's experience with heavy metal chelation therapy. I have a pullet that has suspected zinc poisoning. I noticed that she was lethargic and found that she was very thin and her crop wasn't emptying. The vet performed surgery to remove the contents of...
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