chick behaviour

  1. N

    Do chicks jump/peck at each other when they are sad?

    We got our new chicks one week ago. This is also our first time raising chicks. They were doing fine the past week but last night one of them died. We are not exactly sure why but after a lot of research today, we think sudden death syndrome. Anyway, all of sudden today the other 3 seem to...
  2. sammirae09

    Rhode Island Red chicks

    My chicks are about 4-5 weeks old. One whom I have a feeling is a roo. He has been making movements like trying to crow. Do they practice crowing before they can actually make the sound? This is my first roo.
  3. Lazygaze

    Fascinating behaviour playing out! And question about crests in newborns?

    Hello! I’m a very happy, first time chicken mama to 3 in London, UK. I’m just watching some fascinating (possibly imagined by me?! 😂) behaviour playing out. My two black chicks hatched 2 days ago and my yellow one yesterday afternoon. One black is rounder - let’s call her Round and the other is...
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