chick can't walk

  1. A

    HELP! Sick baby chick/unsure cause

    Hello, I am new here so I just got made an account here. I have a sick baby chick, I believe he/she is only 3 days old. I found him/her laying upside down in a lonely area of my backyard were my chickens rarely go to. She has cuts on his/her feet and can't walk or stand. Yesterday, she would...
  2. BerthaBoo

    Please Help - Super weak baby chick!

    Hi all, I had a broody hatch out 5 chicks, and one was still in the egg a day after the rest. Because momma is flighty and was already taking breaks off the nest, I took this one inside and popped it in the incubator hoping it would finish the hatch. I ended up having to assist the hatch, but...
  3. ChickenTenderKesha

    Help! New chick can’t straighten leg ?

    Hi all, I had a chick hatch out earlier today. It got moved to the brooder before really being able to check them out as I was at work for a while yet. It turns out that it doesn’t seem able to straighten its leg .. I can’t even straighten its one leg. It’s locked up at the elbow it seems...
  4. FrostyWind

    What happened? What is this?

    Two days ago, my baby chick was walking fine with his siblings, after just several hours away from them (free rangers) I came back to see that 1 of them couldn't stand up again? 1 day later, his foot colour turned to blueish greenish on both feet? What happened to him? His bones and body feels...
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