chick death

  1. PeepingK

    1 week old chicks dying (7 deaths so far!)

    I have 22, 1 and half week old chicks that are suddenly dying. This past Monday we lost 6 and again 1 tonight. 2 others aren’t looking very good and might pass as well. Symptoms include gaping/gasping. Once the symptoms start it’s not too long before they die. Can anyone help me out? What...
  2. L

    baby button chick died 😢- Hard bum?

    my poor little darling died thru the night for no reason I'm aware of.. found it with it's eyes wide open and it looked like it had collapsed and was laying like a chalk-outline in his brooder with a little beak & claws that were blue. The older quail chick (separated by a mesh screen) is...
  3. Fritzen

    Chick passed away, any potential causes?

    One of my chicks passed away yesterday, here's the full story: I returned home from school to find it laying on the floor. At first, I suspected it wasn't breathing, but when I picked it up, I noticed it was still breathing and was doing something odd; it seemed to be gagging, struggling to...
  4. cluelesschickmother

    4 week chick near death!! Heat stroke?!

    HELP!!! One of the new 4 week old black silkie chicks seems really weak and near death. She doesn't move much when I touch her or pick her up and had her wings stretched out and legs splayed in the brooder before I grabbed her (eeek!! thats what happened to our last one before it died!). Worst...
  5. cluelesschickmother

    Starved chicks... one dead and one with enlarged crop!!

    I will preface by saying that I am really screwed up... I start with the story of what happened and end with my plead for help. We purchased two three week old splash silkie chicks to add to our flock of juvenile silkies from a wonderful small local hatchery. They supplied us with what we...
  6. karenmragan

    Chick Murder!

    Hello everyone, to fill you in I have a couple of broodies sitting together and they just hatched three chicks yesterday. Well the nest they chose happens to be one of the favorite of the flock. I did not seal it off because I figured the moms would shoo away any other hens. I come in there a...
  7. KLIL

    Dead chick with scabby sore?

    This morning I checked on my 4 day old chicks that I only just purchased at 2 days old and found one dead with what looks like scabby sore on its side and under its belly. Has anyone seen this before or have an idea on what it could have been? I thought maybe the other chicks had pecked it then...
  8. Darwin S

    How to increase hatching percentage?

    Hello friends, I made a incubator by myself and made two hatches. The pic uploaded is my first chick from my second batch of incubation. In the first batch i got 8/10 and in the second only 6/9. The chicks are mostly dying at the last days of incubation. I can see fully grown dead chicks inside...
  9. G

    Chick death rate.

    Hi everyone, We ordered cornish cross meat chicks about a week ago and in general through their 7-8 weeks before processing we generally lose about 5% of the chickens. This order we lost 18 chicks out of 60 in about 24 hours. 18!!!!!!!!! We have never had that happen before has anyone else...
  10. Englishable

    Cause of chick death? - Heartbroken

    Wednesday night we had our first chick hatch and by yesterday morning we had 10. In past year's we've put them in the basement or the garage, but they end up making such a huge mess, we didn't want to do that again this year. So we put the 8x4 (x2' high) brooder in the (unheated, uninsulated...
  11. kinkachy000

    New chicks keep passing away for no apparent reason?! Help!

    Hello, I recently purchased 12 various bantam chicks from a local feedstore on Saturday. They gave me an additional one for free because they felt it was close to passing, and I agreed to give it a chance. So I came home with 13 chicks last night. Since I brought them home at 4pm, two of them...
  12. Smuvers Farm

    Thankful That We Feed Fermented Food

    At NO POINT do I recommend keeping water from your chickens… THEY NEED ACCESS TO WATER AT ALL TIMES!!!….. I am just posting what happened to OUR Peeps. We ferment feed. About 80% of our flock has been on FF since birth. We slog FF out to our chickies daily, rain snow or shine. Now, we...
  13. K

    Chicks Disappear Without a Trace

    Hello everybody,(I'm new) I have(had) 13 Black Australorp chicks, 1 rooster and 12 hens, all around 11 weeks old. I went out this morning to feed them and I only counted 11...2 were missing! I looked around their coop to see if there were any tracks or drag marks or feathers...NOTHING. I...
  14. D

    Hen killed her own 7 week old chicks!!

    Around 40 minutes ago I heard my chicks screaming from outside. I went to go see and to my horror, found my hen pecking her chicks to death. One was dead while another was dying. The hen stopped pecking them. She killed 2 of her chicks and I have no ideas why. I moved her and her chicks to...
  15. Lazy Farmer

    How Long Can A Chicken Live?

    I hope this is the proper category for this particular topic. I have read a chicken could live up to 20 years in pristine conditions. Never would have believed it. Sounds a little absurd. Anyway, death and disease on a farm will desensitize you after awhile. You still have a small emotional...
  16. missmarielayne

    What killed my chick?

    I went out to feed our chicks this morning (we purchased them back in the middle of May) and one of them was dead. She had no wounds that I could see. This particular chick has a deformity of the beak, which we didn't notice when we purchased her, but it was crooked. The top went one direction...
  17. G

    Broody Hen Killed her Chicks?

    I have black australorp hens and rooster. Recently, one of the hens went broody so I decided to let her handle the eggs this time. She had 8 eggs, 6 of them hatched. All was good. About 2 days later, when she left the coop to feed and water herself, I checked the chicks - 2 were dead in the...
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