chicken related products

  1. Galvanized Hanging Poultry Waterer

    Galvanized Hanging Poultry Waterer

    I have used these handy Little Giant waterers in my quail cages for several years. They save floor space, and prevent spills and pooping in the water. They work great for water for quail, and would probably be useful as additional waterers for chickens or chicks when you want to be sure nobody...
  2. ZacChickenOwner123

    GCSE Design and Technology Project

    Hi all, I'm doing a GCSE project on protecting chickens from foxes and or making it easier for the owners to care for their chickens. It would great if you guys could answer a few of these questions: 1) Have you lost any chickens to foxes? 2) Was it human error or lack of protection from the...
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