#chickens #predators

  1. Peckerlover22

    Possible Fox predator situation

    I’ve had my chickens for nearly 3 years. Added 4 more to the 4 original last in May/June when their feathers grew in. I found that 2 chickens were missing the other night. Instead of being sleeping in the coop, they slept on top of the coop a lot this winter. I just thought they didn’t like it...
  2. BedRock Farm Ladies

    Fox issue.

    A fox recently took my only large rooster while I wasn’t home. And unfortunately we couldn’t find his body, but we found two fox dens while following the the trail of feathers that was left behind. He was a large silkie rooster and pictures of him are shown below. Is there any way I can keep it...
  3. Zebra and Yolk

    I'm Losing Chickens...

    Hello! I have a good sized flock and we live in New England. I started off with around 37 chickens and now I only have 28. I lost these 9 chickens due to hawks and coyotes, but I am really not sure how to stop my numbers from lowering. Please halp. Thanks.
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