chicks dying

  1. Chicken_loverr15

    baby chicks disappearing

    so, i’m back on here again…recently a lot of our baby chicks have been going missing and even some have been killed, but we don’t know what is taking them/killing them? We found one of our baby chicks with it’s head cut off and the rest of the body laying there. Then, one baby chick went missing...
  2. Chicken_loverr15

    Chicks dying

    I don’t know if it’s just bad luck, but recently two of our hens had chicks, one had 9 and the other had 8. A few days ago, the only bright yellow chick died, and the others didn’t. Today, the other hen’s bright yellow chick died as well, when a few hours ago it seemed just fine. This happens...
  3. A

    free-range chicks dying randomly?

    I have 5 - 10 week old egyptian fayoumis and brown leghorns chicks who free-range. I've heard these breeds are suppose to be great free-rangers but some have died without any sign of sickness, attack, or anything. I let them roam around when I'm outside but if I turn my back for a few minutes...
  4. T

    Weird new baby turkey and now my chicks are dying???

    I got this weird new turkey the day before yesterday. I actually got 2, a bourbon red and some other one. I noticed something wrong with the bourbon and it seems to have issues. Here's a comparison I made of the behaviors Bourbon- got this one and it hates us, it gets so stressed and puffs its...
  5. mzhof

    Can chicks get cocci in brand new coop and never been outside?

    My husband built our brooder from brand new wood. Currently have 3 sections with 4 week olds in one, 3 week olds in one and 2 week olds in the baby side. Five of the older 4-week olds are d'Uccle I got from MPC as day olds, the rest I've hatched from various different breeders on eBay and...
  6. RickeyJay

    Help! Chicks Dying!

    Purchased twenty five chicks from a hatchery. All were healthy and grew well. Purchased another thirty chicks. One died in transport. Next day I found two chicks dead. My chicks have been dying one or two a day for the last nine days. Same exact environment, same food...same everything...
  7. Pokemom

    Help ! my babies are dieing...

    Hello I am new to raising chickens and I need some advice. I am recently a new chicken mama. I spent 2 weeks in January looking at every hatchery and finally decided on Hoovers because they had everything that I was looking for. I ordered 17 chicks of varying types (Welsummers, Calico, Rainbow...
  8. J

    Random chick deaths?

    In advanced thank you all for the help. So a few days ago I had just got back home and I was checking on my chickens to see if they were all ok. While I was looking at my 2.5 month chicks I realized one of them wasn't there. I looked all over the pen for her and couldn't find her. I looked in...
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