
  1. J

    Sub-zero Temps with a Chickshaw

    Hello! I have a question for those who live in a place with pretty cold winters. We are in zone 5b and it regularly can be -10° - -20° or more (sometimes days in a row). I would like to know if the chickens will be safe and warm in there if we paired it up with an electric fence. Thank you in...
  2. J

    Newbs Alert: Chickshaw feedback!?

    Hi all! We are newbie chicken parents. We have 8 little ladies and are needing to determine our housing situation. Any helps is greatly appreciated! Coop Options: Justin Rhodes’ Chickshaw Free-range, electric fence, with guard goose. We need help figuring this out. Is a Chickshaw worth it...
  3. D

    Chickshaw - from brooder to coop

    Hi there, I was wondering the best way to transition RIR chicks from a brooder to the CS. If I throw pine chips on the floor for bedding it will fall through the 1" fencing. Straw kind of defeats the purpose of having the netting on the floor because then I have to occasionally clean it out. Do...
  4. MarmaladeSings

    Hoop House for Winter

    Hello, all! I recently returned to raising chickens. Thirty years ago, when my children were babies, I had a flock in a static coop and run (which no longer exist). In May 2019, I purchased 11 chicks which are currently housed in a mobile pasturing system that I am very happy with; the Justin...
  5. K

    Hardware cloth floor in Pacific Northwest?

    I'm looking at designs for chicken tractors, and want to make something mobile and suitable for laying hens which I don’t have to muck out. Does anyone have any experience in using hardware cloth floors in cold/wet climates? I’m thinking a Suscovich style tractor with a raised and enclosed...
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