choosing chickens

  1. Showing Poultry: The weeks leading up to a show

    Showing Poultry: The weeks leading up to a show

    If you clicked on this, then you might be interested in preparing your birds for a show! here are some steps to take to come better prepared to show! A few months before the show: Check out the show online on facebook or their website to learn as much as you can about the specific show you...
  2. LilMissChick

    Choosing baby chicks

    hi folks! I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this, so if it’s not, could you please direct me to the right place? In one week I’ll be heading out to pick out chicks from a hatchery shipment and from a breeder. I’ll be getting 2 salmon faverolles, 2 mottled ameraucanas, and 2...
  3. LilMissChick

    Picking up Chicks question

    hi Everyone! Well my coop is darn near done (probably not as close as I’d like) and it’s getting to be the time I need to purchase chicks. My question is, as I can only have 5 chickens I’ve kind of got my heart set on certain breeds. Faverolles, Ameraucana, mottled Houdan, Australorp, and...
  4. ShrekDawg

    If you had to choose...

    ...which of these breeds would you choose? I have a looooonngggggg list of breeds that I want to try next but I can only add about 3-4 or 5 more unless I build a new coop, which I might do eventually or if I move so that I can have all the breeds I want, or if I make a separate layer flock and...
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