collapsed chicken

  1. A

    Lethargy, diarrhoea and change in eyes?

    Hi there! Fairly new to the forum, wishing this wasn’t the topic of my first post but here we are. Hillary, one of my lovely Australorp x Rhode Island Reds (18mo-ish) collapsed this morning when she was let out of the coop - I was unable to get a photo as she got up shortly after (and then...
  2. zed07

    HELP! Lethargic chicken collapsed :(

    Hello! Please help~ One of our hens out of three has collapsed. This is the second time after yesterday, but she got up and acted normally after that, however this time she couldn’t manage to get herself up. She had been acting poorly a week and a half ago, she wouldn’t move much and her comb...
  3. Katye Fredieu

    Please help! My hen is sick.

    About 5 days ago, we discovered one of our 4 month old EE's had sour crop. Here's how we handled it: Day 1: Isolation from flock. No food/water for 12 hours. Massaged crop (It was the size of a tennis ball and water balloon like). Day 2: Water with apple cider vinegar, no food. Emptied crop via...
  4. Elise5422

    Hen going south - coughing

    [UPDATE MAY 21 BELOW, PLEASE HELP: Hen is going south] Hi All. I'm having a little mystery at home, and I was hoping to maybe get some answers on this website. My parents have 5 laying chickens and had one rooster (all of the Malines breed). Yesterday, we found our rooster dead in the coop. A...
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