colored eggers

  1. bignatefishn

    Hoover hatchery breed question with pictures

    Up first is my Roo. Single pea comb. Any way to tell what he is? Hoping to breed to other hens as a fun way to get blue/green/olive eggs. Next up is a hen. I think she was the same bin as the rooster. Lastly another hen. Again, from the same bin as the two above… Thanks for any ideas...
  2. EnnieM

    Colored Egger Project Breeding

    hey guys! so i’m just looking for some input, outside of my own brainstorming. feel free to pm me if you don’t want to give away your secrets publicly. 😉 i’m preparing to start a project, creating my own breeds of colored eggers. shooting for all green shades, may mess around with blue but only...
  3. CHlCKEN

    The EE Thread!

    Hi everyone! I was letting my girls out a few minutes ago to play in the garden, when I realized how pretty my EEs have gotten now that they r older. Despite the fact that they are at that awkward teenage stage (you know the one, big feet, uneven feathers- stray feathers, weird voice cracks, and...
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