confused duck owner

  1. KathiQuacks

    Drake not interested in new girls at all.

    For context - My eldest drake, Cherry, was introduced to his 2 girlfriends in December of last year. He’s very kind to them both and follows them everywhere. I hatched 10 ducklings from them back in January / February, ending up with 3 drakes, 7 hens, or 4 drakes, 9 hens total (I’m looking to...
  2. KathiQuacks

    Only 1 duckling with angel wing?

    I’m a bit mad at myself for not noticing sooner, but one of my ducklings (6.5 weeks) appears to have angel wing in his left wing. I’m going to start treatment and get him wrapped up soon, but I’m wondering why he’s the only one who has it? The wings of his other 9 siblings all look lovely and...
  3. KathiQuacks

    My drake is choosing the pond over his girls - why?

    This isn’t really a problem - I’m more confused than anything, and would love some insight. My drake, Cherry, loves his pond, and I don’t blame him. It’s around 5 / 6 acres worth of water, with tons of mud, pondweed, fish, bugs - a duck’s dream. He also loves his girls. I got Cherry 2 hens of...
  4. NewJourney

    Is this duck egg fertilized?

    So, I have 5 female ducks. I was getting 5 eggs daily. I had dropped down to 4 eggs, then 3 eggs daily. I thought it was because my rooster is being rude and chasing them around sometimes, whether to be mean or to mate, I don't know. But I just put chicken eggs into our new incubator (for the...
  5. A

    Confused about feeding pellets to pekin ducks…

    I’m really confused as to what kind of pellet feed they will need. I have 2 hens and 7 drakes. They’re only 9 weeks old, so there’s no breeding or laying going on. I don’t know what kind the hens need or what kind the drakes need. Or if the hens only need a certain kind of pellet feed when...
  6. sandloaf

    Pekin sitting in random spots?

    Hi! Im not really worried about her I checked her legs and joints to make sure they were okay gave her some smoochies. We took her out this morning and she walked out of her house and sat down. My mom was worried on why she was sitting because she usually sprints to her bath. Thats when i...
  7. BrOwOke

    My Duck lost her mate and I need some advice

    (This is my first post on here and I hope I’m doing this right) Almost two moths ago an animal got in and attacked my two Peking ducks, Kevin, the male and Shia LaDuck, the female. We took them to the vet and they got patched up. Turns out after they were all healed up and given the ok to go...
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