constipated chick

  1. keywee

    Young chicken in pain while pooping, need all suggestions!

    Hi there, my family and I have recently become owners of some backyard chickens! Our 4 chicks are about 12 weeks old now, they are teenagers. 2 are Plymouth Rocks and 2 (including the sick one) are Easter Eggers. For some backstory: We believe we have a FTT chick as the third week we had them...
  2. W

    Coccidiosis and prolapsed vent?

    I have a 4 week old silkie mix chick who has been “off” since I got him. His (her?) butt feathers have become crusted with white poop, and he smells awful. I gave him a bath yesterday and noticed his vent seems to be swollen and halfway prolapsed? It has a “lip” that looks flipped out. It...
  3. S

    Chick not pooping and weird air sac

    Hey everyone. We had 3 chicks hatch on Tuesday from an incubator. One had a bit of shell stuck to its back and wing. A bit like a hunchbacked tortoise. It’s weaker and smaller than the other 2 chicks so I am trying to nurse it back to health. These are my fathers hobby but I do all the sad...
  4. Olive_Egger

    URGENT - 2 week chick having trouble pooping

    Nearly two weeks old, she has had a slightly sour smell from her mouth for about a week now. We haven’t figured it out until now but it started a couple of days ago, when she tries to poop it takes her a while and her wings hand a bit, when she pushes she chirps like the strain hurts, although...
  5. H


    No it’s not pasty Butt! This chick has been constipated for 3 days it’s been dangerously long. The chick has a full crop, and I’ve watched it struggle to go and nothing will come out. After inspecting it i found it’s a rock hard piece of poo that’s stuck inside the vent, too big to push out...
  6. M

    Protruding/swollen vent

    Could a swollen vent be the reason my chick is having a hard time passing a proper bowel movement? I have been Epsom salt soaking her, using triple antibiotics, ACV in water and I just used hydrocortisone to see if that will take the swelling down some. After nothing else worked to relieve her...
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