#coop construction

  1. Dadanga

    Quail Coop Freebie Ongoing Upgrades

    So I decided just to give this its own thread. In a time, not so long ago, I managed to snag a freebie coop someone was giving away. It had solid pine construction and built up dirt and there was even some eggs in there. A second part was also snagged but I managed to attach a mesh floor and...
  2. Junction5672

    Our First Chicken Coop/Run

    We got our day-old chicks back in June and they were ready to get outside in mid-July, we had some friends that were done with their coop and offered it to us so of course we took them up on the offer and off we went. We started with: We added some left-over vinyl flooring from my aunt's...
  3. Jaeke320

    New coop build advice

    Hi everyone:) I have a 8x12 shed that I’m turning into a chicken coop with chicken runs on each side. I would love your thoughts on how and what would be beneficial. I have 22 girls:) Thanks so much
  4. Scareab

    Ventilating the coop?

    I have a small coop for 2 to 3 chickens and unfortunately one of my birds passed away from the coop being so hot while she was trying to lay. :( I don’t want this happening again but the Texas weather is brutal hitting 105 where I’m at. It doesn’t help that there doesn’t seem to be much air flow...
  5. Rolling Ridge Bantams

    My Coops!

    My Old English Game Bantam Coops!
  6. carmensue10

    DIY “Magnolia Style” Coop 🐔

    I may post a separate one of the inside and other wall that isn’t shown with the window and functional shutters! This was a 4 week project (more like 5 because it’s 95% complete.) My husband spent any and all of his spare time constructing this himself. He found plans on Pinterest and decided to...
  7. MenachemEliyahu

    Under construction

    I started building a coop for the chicks I got last week. I had no set plan. Come to a stopping point since I ran out of materials. Floor space is about 13 sq ft. It will house 5 chicks until they can be integrated with the 2 older chickens I have.
  8. A5751790-A55B-44A4-9BCF-A7B90AFD0D97.png


    Coop De Ville
  9. M

    Automatic Coop Door

    Hi all! What kind of automatic chicken coop doors is everyone using? We live in PA so the winters can get pretty cold and snowy and we are looking for something battery operated. TIA!!
  10. LilMissChick

    Tin roof in Pacific Northwest Weather

    Hi everyone! My fiancé and I are building our coop and we are at the point where we want to roof our coop! However, we had originally planned on putting up Ondura Corrugated roofing, and after looking at reviews we decided to go with metal roofing instead. We had planned to have open rafters...
  11. LilMissChick

    Hardware Cloth?

    hi everyone, We are building our coop to be off the ground and it’s integral to our run. The whole coop plus run will be 4’ x 20’. Do we need to have all of our open run sides, door, and the space under our coop (which will be raised off the ground) need to be 1/2” hardware cloth? Or can we...
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