coop troop

  1. Moodleroni

    Moodleroni Farms - My 'Chicken Math' Origin Story

    Setting the scene: So I live in Southern Arizona, in a small city within a suburb, in a tiny pocket of county zoning. I have an 8ft. cinder block fence separating my backyard from a random alley, and my backyard is sectioned into two sides by a black metal fence (for safety): the yard side & the...
  2. Moodleroni

    Coop Troop Mama

    Hello all, 'fairly newbie' chicken mama here, excited to be part of the BYC community! I come here VERY often and would love to chime in, share, and interact with equally cooky chicken mamas & daddys. I was flung head first into this mania when I 'got' (long story for its own post soon) my...
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