cornish rock cross

  1. Chickenvy

    Cornish Rock cross finished size issues

    We have purchased 2 large number batches of cornish rock cross meat bird chicks from two separate hatcheries and the birds have been, to say the least, a huge disappointment, (a year apart raised as Joel Salatin does). In the past for us to get 6-7 lb birds from a 8 week batch was common. Now...
  2. grandma kicken

    Cornish Rock Cross overly vivacious appetite?

    This isn't the first time I've raised meat birds, but it is the first time I've had a straight run. Normally, they're all females. I've been following the same 'recipe' in feeding amounts as I have in the past, yet this group finishes their daily feed amount within 4 hours! They've been...
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