
  1. S

    HELP I prematurely cracked an egg on day 19

    I have no idea what I’m doing, my boss’s kid is hatching quails in the smart mini automatic incubator and we almost threw them out! I had a feeling to check to see if they were really all duds, and I lightly pushed on the egg and it cracked,and the chick started CHIRPING. I felt so bad...
  2. C

    [Solved] I turned a cracked hatching egg

    One of our hens stopped brooding a couple of eggs for seemingly no reason so we took them in to a makeshift incubator. Thing is that we aren't sure when they were laid, so we've just been turning them every day. One of the eggs that ended up getting cracked (and repaired with candle wax) has...
  3. sjhart18

    Cracked egg sealed with wax... advice?

    So through a series of unfortunate events, one of my incubating quail eggs got pretty badly dented (bracubation, if you know you know), but the membrane wasn't broken. I sealed it with candle wax, but couldn't get the dent out without breaking the membrane. This happened day 5 and it's day six...
  4. Aaron nassery

    Need help!

    I had a baby chick that had a crack on its shell . The crack was it getting ready to hatch, it hasn’t zipped or anything only popped for a little and I was opening the incubator to fill some water and my little flash light fell on the egg and cracked it. It was a very very light fall and the...
  5. E

    Will this cracked egg hatch?

    I'm on day 3 of incubating quail eggs and just noticed one of the eggs is slightly cracked at the bottom! Can I still incubate this egg? What should I do?
  6. Duckturken

    Strange eggs

  7. M

    What are these spots on my eggs?

    I see these spots/discoloration on the shells of the eggs some of my hens lay. It almost looks like a stain or maybe just a thin part of the egg. It’s not dirt on the outside of the egg, because dirt stain looks different to me. Could be cracking from inside the egg? My main question is: Are...
  8. N

    Hen cracked egg. Need help!

    Our novice hen stepped on one of her eggs and made some cracks in it. There are a couple small holes where it looks like the membrane is punctured. We took the egg out of the nest figuring that the mother would just clumsily step on it more and destroy it totally. It’s currently in a plastic...
  9. Gypsy77

    Too hot?

    So we've been on the go quite a bit with the new business. And it's been scorching temps out here. There's even days I forget to gather the chicken eggs. Is there a certain temp you can't use chicken eggs? Especially when they're cracked? I mean when outside gets HOT! Lol.
  10. ChickensinAfrica

    Urgent: What can we do to help this chick?

    Hi again, Does anyone have advice for this little baby. Its siblings hatched yesterday and it is chirping and squirming a lot. We had an accident with it after the mother abandoned it.
  11. ChicMagnet33

    Broken Beak Please Help!!!

    Please help my poor BPR. She broke her beak yesterday I have no idea how it happened. I found no blood anywhere in the coop or run. I let my flock of 6 out for maybe a half hour while cleaning the coop to free range they didn't go more than 10 yards from the coop the entire time. She was one of...
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