crossing breeds

  1. F

    breeding a cream OE rooster with a Blue OE hen = ?

    We recently bought chicks from a small homestead breeder and all ended up being roosters that only have green and blue egg genetics. We are considering keeping 1-2 of the roosters for a few months to breed to our small flock of hens (different breeds) for more variation in feather/egg colors...
  2. ChickChic00

    Bantam crossing

    I have a two young silver duckwing bantam hens, 1 young silver duckwing bantam rooster,and I also have a young bb red bantam rooster. Can I cross my bb red with one of my silver duckwing hens to get a gold duckwing bantam? Thanks a ton!!
  3. C

    Crossing a Welsummer rooster

    Hello! I was curious if anyone has ever crossed a Welsummer Rooster with any of these hens: Rhode Island Red Sienna Stars Cinnamon Queens Barred Rocks Buff Orpingtons Sapphire Gems We have our first batch hatching now and I’m super curious to know what they’re going to look like and how to...
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