
  1. ChickChic00

    Prairie Bluebell

    I have a Prairie Bluebell Rooster I got about a week ago. I don't have him paired with any hens at the moment. I read that it's a 50/50 if they have beards. He does not have a beard. Would any of his kids have a beard? Like if I crossed him to say, a Rhode Island Red? Would there still be like a...
  2. AGeese

    Geese Breeding

    Several of you let your geese do their thing, but I'm just wondering why we don't have more breed and trait related geese discussion? With so few available domestics in the states I would think this would be new ground. We're pretty much all raising heritage breeds, but beyond these varieties...
  3. M

    Ducks Suddenly Crossing Busy Road

    Hello, I have four Buff Orpington hens and one drake that live on 2 acres with a 1/3 farm and fish pond. They are a year old this month. Up until yesterday evening, they have free ranged all over the yard, tree areas, and pond, but NEVER even set foot on the gravel berm of the busy road. I...
  4. Miriah132

    Green egg layers (olive, avacado, mint, etc)

    Hey y’all! Can I see your green eggs and what crosses you used to get them?
  5. Nyla

    Cross Breeding Quails!

    I'm planning on cross breeding quails to see results! Does any know of crosses and have pictures for those crosses? I keep quails as my hobby and love the way they look. I want some new looks around here. Any suggestions? The crosses I'm talking about are All Forums of Bobwhites - California...
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