
  1. C

    My girl is whining/crying for hours

    We found our frizzled Easter egger whining and crying when we went to let her out of the coop this morning. She has not stopped. Sounds almost like a horn or goose with a few hiccup noises. Very consistent cry for over 3 hours now. No idea how long before morning she started. She is walking and...
  2. Just Rosie

    Silkie chick continuous stress call

    Recently I hatched 19 silkie chicks from my birds. All them seem to be doing very well, except for one. This chick, about 2 days ago (They are 4-6 days old, this chick is 4 days) began distress calling. It has not stopped that I can tell. I have inspected the chick multiple times since...
  3. Rafnel

    Two-story enclosure causing quail to cry

    Hi all, wondering if this is common. I got 6 quail recently, they're 4 weeks old. I got a rabbit hutch for them which has a large downstairs area and a ramp to an upstairs area. I keep their food and water upstairs and I taught them all to use the ramp within a day. Nowadays, they roam their...
  4. GryphonXV

    My sweet roo Pepeto sometimes makes this crying noise - Help?

    Sooooo, these little cute babies are my pets and they frequently come to visit me on my room as you can see. They both like to sleep near me, that's what was happening in the video (and that's why they look sleepy). So, Pepeto (my rooster) did this weird noise (please, check it). Can someone...
  5. bread98

    Chicks w/ Mucousy poos + bloody poo, 1 Bit by rooster

    Hi - last friday I got 2 baby chicks, a buff orpington and a barred rock, the day the store got them, so I believe they are almost a week old now. They are in a little laundry tote with paper towels and a heat lamp. When we brought them home the next day we spent some time in my yard while it...
  6. R

    My chicken is crying help!

    So I bought 3 chickens and was told they were all hens. Well yesterday 2 of them started to crow and unfortunately where we live my neighbor won’t allow us to have a crowing rooster. So I contacted the Breeder and she said no problem! Bring the roosters back - I have a buyer looking for roosters...
  7. S

    Chick horrifically injured

    Well i was making this post and my husband suggested we just put him out of his misery... a cat must’ve gotten hold but couldn’t get him out of the fence.. I’m so hurt. What do you guys think though before I do it? I just can’t his tongue is no longer in his beak?? ⚠beware isn’t for...
  8. S

    Baby duck won’t stop crying!

    4 day old duckling, the duck is a call duck. He has a heating pad, mirror plenty of clean water and food. The duck also has a stuffed animal. One night he was okay sleeping but most others he won’t quit crying even tho he can see me. I’ve tried the ticking clock background it has only helped a...
  9. Lob21

    How to prevent my turkeys from going to neighbor's yards and down the road

    I've had my turkeys(I have 2) for a little over a year now but the one problem I've always had with them is that they always go to my neighbor's yard. I always have to stay outside with them and watch them to make sure that they don't go anywhere. My neighbor has chickens and I think that is...
  10. sunny_bellyboo

    Dead chicken

    I am trying to get over a death of a White Leghorn in my family. Any advice? Anyone here to talk?
  11. C

    HELP Buff Orphington wheesing/crying

    I have 6 10 week old chicks. This morning I looked in on them with my ring doorbell and could hear one that was 'crying'. Rushed out to the coop and it's my Bella, a Buff Orphington. I picked her up, nothing seems to be physically wrong with her. She's continously making these sounds. I took a...
  12. MasterZii

    Is my chick in pain?

    I got a baby silkie chick, tiny little thing. Maybe 5-6 days old at the very most. It's been living in a small bin with a gosling and they've been doing great for the past couple of days. Suddenly, the silkie just start crying out non-stop. Cheep cheep cheep cheep x400. Doesn't stop! It's...
  13. B

    Confused: feisty 8 day old runt with droopy wings

    Hi guys! I have a flock of chicks who are approx 8-day old, all looking great except one... Here is what I'm seeing: - runt; noticeably smaller than the other girls -wings are droopy and look too big for its body -has had pasty butt 2 times; I have cleaned her off well and i just put some acv...
  14. E.D.GardenFarm

    Missing my duck, just need to get it off my chest :(

    I wasn't sure I was going to write this but I just needed to get it out, I haven't been a part of BYC very long at all but I've seen how kind and sweet everyone is to each other and I feel this is a good place to talk because there are others who will understand. Just over a month ago we lost...
  15. C

    Trouble getting ban chickens to stop crying

    I just got two baby chickens and they won’t stop crying , they been crying for almost all day. I don’t know what to do. The first day was all good. I don’t have a heat thingy but I’m not sure if I need them. They are still a week I think because they still haven’t got there feathers. Please help...
  16. K

    What do these sound mean? 2 month old flock

    Hello all! I'm a first time chicken owner, and I'm trying to wean them off of having a light on at night. I had a small nightlight on for them, but I don't think they could see by it at all. They starting making a sort of whining sound, and wouldn't calm down until I sat on the ground and held...
  17. G

    Is this Wry neck? How can I fix this? Please help

    Hello everyone. I have 4 Guinea Keets here that the mother abandoned. I picked them up yesterday morning, a few hours after they had hatched. I moved the guinea hen and her 20 babies into my baby coop. These 4 were left kicked out from the nest and already had flies on them, barely hanging on. I...
  18. B

    Bonded/imprinted ducklings

    Help needed. This is my ducklings fourth week of life. Four weeks ago I bought two ducklings (Indian runner X) and raised them in a small crate. In the beginning they slept in their crate in my bed, and learnt to explore the house. They are very happy, and we havent been separated much but...
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