day 32

  1. W

    PLEASE HELP!! Almost day 33 and think my gosling needs help!

    HELLO! I am brand new here but have been DEVOURING everything from this forum trying to hatch this gosling I was given!!! Everyone here is so helpful, so I figured I'd give it a go! I am freaking out because I've fallen in love with this little guy and want him/her to hatch SO BAD- but...
  2. N

    Day 32 no hatching eggs

    I have Mallard duck eggs that were left alone. I took them in and placed them in a incubator I bought at Amazon. They are not hatching but when I candle them I see some movements. I’m afraid they need help. If I dont Help I think they will die. It’s been day 32 . I marked the date on the eggs.
  3. N

    Help Mallard eggs day 32 and no hatching

    I rescued some Mallard duck eggs and they are at day 32 and not one of them are hatching. I have them in a incubator I got from Amazon. I candle them and see some movements but no progress. I don’t know what to do with them. I’m afraid if I don’t help them some how they they will die.
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