dead chicks

  1. A

    Silent mass chick murder in the closed brooder

    I woke up to all my chicks [except one week old chick who I found alive squished in a crevasse] dead in their outdoor elevated brooder a bin with it's lid tightly on which is solid plastic with 1/4" hardware cloth. Everything was in place and it doesn't look like anything was there or messed...
  2. A

    free-range chicks dying randomly?

    I have 5 - 10 week old egyptian fayoumis and brown leghorns chicks who free-range. I've heard these breeds are suppose to be great free-rangers but some have died without any sign of sickness, attack, or anything. I let them roam around when I'm outside but if I turn my back for a few minutes...
  3. StardustChicken

    Identifing mystery predator *GRAPHIC PHOTOS*

    I had 19 chicks, various breeds (silkie, buff laced polish, dominique, gold laced wyandotte, rhode island red): 15 of them 4 weeks, the other 4 between 5-6½ weeks (leghorn, ISA brown, 2 midnight majesty maran). This morning I found 2 of my 4 week silkies dead and one of my dominiques was missing...
  4. T

    Dead chicks in the shell, but out of the nesting box

    My five-year old Marans has been persistently broody for almost two months and I kept removing the eggs, but we went on vacation three weeks ago, and came home to find her sitting on six eggs. I left them for her, figuring at her age, this might be her last hurrah. The other day, I found an...
  5. TK421

    Caution about small order chicks-8 of 10 dead chicks in the mail

    Everything was planned out perfectly. I needed new chicks but I wanted to try to let mama raise them, but didn't have a broody. So I ordered 12 wooden eggs, and placed one per day into the nestbox. At day 10, my dominant hen went broody!!! After 2-3 days, we were sure the broody was going to...
  6. Terri E

    Chicks dropping like flies

    Okay. Hopefully you are able to understand me in this post. I have tote brooders. One kennel cage as a brooder. The kennel contains 20 chicks. All alive from breeder. One large tote contains 14 chicks, all alive from a different breeder. The longest tote, had smaller hatched chicks, of...
  7. D

    I am new to keeping chicks, and unfortunately that has shown.

    A few months ago I got 7 chicks from a neighbor. The chicks did fine, they were a week old when I received them. Once their feathers came in we had put them in a coop outside. It's a small coop but was a lot of room for them. And unfortunately we hadn't put a roof/cover over the top. They have...
  8. O

    Solve a Murder Mystery for Newbie

    Hi all, We've got 2 hens in a small flock that went broody within a couple of days of each other, one buff colored and one mostly-black cochin bantam(s). They shared the same nest for the entire 21 days. On day 22 the first chick (from 15 eggs) started to hatch and we moved them down to nest...
  9. HayleyBeth!

    Chick died overnight! What happened and how do I protect the other one?

    We woke up to a dead chick and are very sad! But what happened, she seemed fine and happy yesterday? Chirping, pooping, eating...feathers have been coming in nicely. I just cleaned the brooder and put in new pine shavings, fresh food and water. Her vent was fine. The remaining chick is...
  10. Then I Will

    Hatchery Chicks dying - 2 - 3 per day

    Purchased 15 Black Sumatras from Murray McMurray. They arrived Wednesday the 7th. When I opened the box, most were on tiptoe smashed against one another in the corner. One was already dead. It took them some hours to come off their tiptoes. I wondered if they would forever walk oddly. I...
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