dead egg

  1. Timbers Happy Hens

    Dead egg on hatch day?

    I have an egg from a batch of 6 that hasn’t hatched yet. All the other eggs finished yesterday and I’m just wondering if this one isn’t alive anymore. I finally decided to candle it this morning to check for movement and didn’t see anything. Any thoughts on if I should just call it quits or give...
  2. D

    911 Exploding egg. Are the rest dead too? Should i ho back and get them??

    So there is a pair of geese I visit every day. I noticed the female laid five eggs and had been sitting on them nonstop. About. Two days ago I walked over and there were only 3 eggs left and it smelled I only saw one shell on the side of the nest and one inside. There were flies everywhere and...
  3. Eden3021

    Dead chicken egg? (day 9)

    This is my first time incubating eggs. I had some trouble with my first incubator, and had to buy another on day 4. I quickly candled them while I was transferring them, and this one definitely had growth and was moving. It's now day 9, and I candled them again to find this one like this. It's...
  4. LateBirdFarms

    Broody hen egg death issue

    Good morning, experts! I'm hoping this is the right place to post, since I'm not using an incubator, my broody did the hard work with eggs I provided her. I had 5 blue eggs from Ameruacna eggs (I never spell that one right, not EE eggs) and 3 brown eggs, 2 darker speckled ones and a slightly...
  5. MissTracy

    Incubating Troubleshoot Help

    Hello fellow chicken people ❤️ I have had chickens and guineas of all different breeds for over a year now, and recently started trying to hatch some yard mix birds with a small 7 egg incubator. (Just chickens) My first hatch, 6 of 7 eggs were viable at 15 days before my incubator shorted out...
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