deformity issues

  1. M

    Calcium balls attracted to egg?

    Hi all One of my hens (I am not 100% sure which one) has been for the past 2 weeks atleast, probably longer laying eggs with what I am assuming is calcium deposits attached to the shell of the eggs. They are super tiny round balls some of them rub off but most are super stuck. It almost looks...
  2. A

    curved web foot deformity; what can i do to help

  3. A

    curved web foot deformity

  4. lancasterflock

    More humane to cull? More humane to live?

    When I first noticed Drew’s crossbeak.. ( Drew, after Drew Barrymore because she talks out of the side of her mouth ❤️ ) she was about a week and a half old. It was slightly curved off to the side of her mouth and I lovingly named her Drew and made plans for her to stay in my flock. As Drew has...
  5. MysticUniKitty

    Chicken with Eyelid deformity, Eye feels Swollen

    This is One Eyed Peggy when we brought her home. She's now 3 weeks and I couldn't get a photo of the eye this morning going to try again this after noon with my son holding her while i take a photo. So I happened to pick out a chick and when i got it home I saw it had an eyelid deformity. The...
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