determining breed

  1. Sliiiq

    Sexing and determining breed of 6 week olds, and other questions

    First time user, bare with me here, you can answer whichever you like… 1. I’ve got 3 chicks, and I don’t know what their breeds are. Leghorns? Orpington? The two bigger ones (1&2) are supposedly 6 weeks and the 3rd is 5 weeks. Might be stupidly obvious, but I also want to know which is male...
  2. F

    My Daughter’s little hatchery questions

    Hello! My 11 yr old daughter Ava has began her own business. We have chicken and chick experience- however this month is our first time hatching with incubators. I have a few questions and couldn’t seem to find the best thread. 1.) how do you keep straight of what’s what? I know what we have in...
  3. ChristianChicken

    New to chickens- need help identifying!

    Hi there! I’ll be posting some pictures on a few different threads as I get better pictures. I’m trying to figure out what breed my girls are! I’m extremely new to this and wanna know as much as I can! Attached are pictures of one of my sweetest girls, Emerald!
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