deworm coop

  1. TheFugitivePen

    When to start deworming?

    Hello, chicken friends! How do you handle deworming for your chickens? Do you do it on a schedule or only once you notice a shift in behavior or worms in their feces? We don't live in a particularly wet climate, and it gets hot in the summertime. We live on clay soil, which I've read can...
  2. bmaw

    How to deworm the coop/run?

    In July, my hens were treated by our vet school: given 2 injections of Fenbendazole and Praziquan for roundworms and tapeworms 10 days apart. Their post fecal came back normal. A couple of my hens have had loose stool since I got them at 2 months old, so when I saw loose stool, days after being...
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