
  1. C

    Diatomaceous earth? For pest control and refreshing

    I’ve been reading up on the benefits of using Diatomaceous earth. People say it’s beneficial in controlling insects, good for digestion and a type of natural refreshing application. I’ve been using it in my coop, which has a dirt floor, and on the ground in the run area. I scrape the floor of...
  2. keridawn

    Mite infestation but chicks are still hatching?!

    Hi, I'm completely new to raising chickens so bear with me. I had a wild hen that was laying eggs in my garage closet go broody on me, she was sitting on nothing for 6 days and I bought her some fertilized eggs. She is on day 24 today and yesterday some eggs were still hatching. She also pooped...
  3. Aryetheral Waalburgus

    Diatomaceous Earth + Petroleum Jelly?

    I'm treating some bantams for scaly leg mites, and have decided to go with the petroleum jelly method. They've been isolated getting the petroleum jelly for about a week and I'm getting kind of impatient. I've heard that diatomaceous earth (DE) can be helpful for external parasites, but I've...
  4. Thechickentrainer1999

    Purple comb meaning?

    I recently noticed over the past month that one of my chickens has had a dirty vent and I've been keeping an eye on it and just got a new bag of d.e. today. I noticed that every other day her comb turns purple color. What does this mean? Does it mean she has worms because one of my others...
  5. D

    No chickens yet...

    In looking if it's okay to use diatomaceous earth in a compost pile...I found Backyard Chickens. Future proud owner of laying hens retirement home!
  6. Debbi H

    Horrendous Mite Infestation

    Hi, all. Sorry this is long: I have had a horrendous mite problem going on for over a month. The henhouse is crawling with millions of them, so bad that they are crawling on ME when I collect eggs. I check the hens, and there aren't very many on them, although some of the 29 are acting sluggish...
  7. sevenpines

    Hello from the good ol’ “Show ME” state.... where yesterday, my good chicken-friend showed me LICE o

    Hello from the good ol’ “Show ME” state.... where yesterday, my good chicken-friend showed me LICE on my chickens!!! One was stepping very carefully, and then losing balance. Upon inspection, I see crawlies on her.... whitish to tannish transparent creatures and what my friend said are egg...
  8. cmbchickens

    DE, Eprinex & Elector PSP questions, for mites

    I'm thinking of getting some DE to help fight the mite. In reading up, I've also read about using Eprinex Pour-On which sounds like a good option, too, either or in addition to. I already bit the bullet and bought and been using Elector PSP. I've cleaned out my coop of all wood shavings. I...
  9. hegazi

    PDZ and DE - how much?

    I am setting up our new coop and starting to fill it with bedding. It is a 12x16 shed converted to a coop. How much PDZ and DE should I use on the shavings? Just a sprinkle or a light dusting or a heavy coat?
  10. P

    Diatomaceous earth vs high yield garden pet and livestock dust

    Hi, I was just wondering if anybody has used both of these and if they were able to decide which was better. I used DE on my dogs, cats and house but had no luck...but thought I would give it another try for the Chicks...if anybody thinks it will work better than another product please tell...
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