domestic duck dropped into a lake

  1. V

    ID help on domestic ducks from California 1/18/24

    Hello, I took photos of these ducks while walking around Lake Elizabeth in Fremont, California, and noticed that these are domestic ducks. I was wondering if anyone here happens to know what hybrid mixes and/or what type of domestic duck each of these are? Here's what I think so far, but would...
  2. Amfh

    Is this a dumped domestic duck?

    When out walking today, I saw this all-white female duck in the river. For the duration of the time I could see her, she stuck with the same mallard drake. She seems slightly smaller than him, the smallest duck in the river (only saw one other female, all the other drakes are the same size), and...
  3. M

    Please help identify this duck.

    I live on a lake where domesticated ducks are dropped off along with the wild ducks. I’m looking for help identifying one of them. I think she is a Cayuga Duck. She appears to be a black duck till you see her in the sun. Then she lights up with aqua, turquoise, purple, with a green head. Her...
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